Modify Your Insecticide with Cide-Kick to Eliminate Any Disease

The most serious challenge facing the citrus industry today is the citrus greening disease (huanglongbing or HLB). Every citrus producer has either experienced this disease or is wary of the devastating impact it can have on a citrus grove. Prior to its detection in North America, HLB was responsible for the destruction of several industriesin […]
Optimize Your Weed and Brush Control with Silnet 200

Chances are you are reading this article because you have a weed or brush problem that you want to control, and you are looking for a superior adjuvant that will give you the best result. Selecting the right adjuvant to add to your herbicide is a critical step that allows you to optimize control of […]
I’Vod – A Superior Spray Drift Control Adjuvant
Pesticides are used by people and intentionally applied to the environment for the purpose of improving the quality of life for humans, domesticated animals, and plants. Because we are highly dependent on pesticides for our existence, one challenge we continuously must deal with is spray drift. What is spray drift? When herbicides are applied, spray […]
Brewer 90-10 Surfactant for Excellent Vegetation Management
Vegetation management involves identifying weedy and invasive species and responding to potential threats to the desirable aspects of the habitat/ecosystem. For example: Utility service lines such as water supply, sewage, electricity, and telecommunications are laid out in areas dominated by vegetation. Consequently, utility companies must ensure that their services reach customers uninterrupted, while at the […]
Sun Wet Surfactant – Best Postemergence Weed Control with Herbicides
Weeds are plants that have undesirable qualities that outweigh the good qualities, especially during the warm season. Since the beginning of human civilization, mankind has always sought to manipulate nature for his own purposes. Consequently, some plant species were controlled, or simply disappeared, while some species became problematic with a tendency to dominate. Why should […]
Cide-Kick II for Excellent Management of Weedy and Invasive Plants
The management of weedy and invasive plants is perhaps the most important task that crop producers are faced with each year. Highly advanced and efficient crop production systems used in the United States ensure that there is an abundant food supply that supports a robust economy for the nation. However, despite all the advances in […]
Control Invasive Aquatic Plant Species
It’s no secret that Florida is a tropical paradise known not only to man, but also to wild, non-native plants. Most humans travel to Florida on vacation whereas others relocate to the state as retirees seeking the comforts that warm climate brings, among other benefits. On the other hand, the wild non-native plants arrive in […]
JLB Oil Plus: Combating Problematic Woody Plant Species
Two types of woody plant species have become problematic in many habitats across the United States. These include invasive non-native and native woody plants both of which need to be managed to prevent their establishment and proliferation in the habitats they have become problematic. What are invasive species and why should I care about them? […]