Pesticide Safety: 10 Things that Must be on a Pesticide Label
Almost every manufactured product today comes with a set of instructions. The instructions are written to provide the buyer with a little knowledge to ensure successful use of the product. Where necessary, the instructions provide instructions that when followed provide adequate protection for the user. When it comes to using a pesticide, the most important […]
How Surfactants Affect Spray Droplet Size
The general goal in spraying for pest control is to get good coverage of the target pest. Thereafter, retention and spread of the pesticide on pest surface, penetration of pest surface, and a high level of pest control. Ideally, good coverage of the target pest is required for good control when using pesticides. However, good […]
Adjuvants 101: Understanding What is in Your Sprayer Tank
Understanding what is in your sprayer tank before you begin spraying is the most important aspect in management of a pest. Preparation of the pesticide spray solution happens in the sprayer tank where the right amount of pesticide is measured and placed into the tank and thereafter the tank is filled with water. Starting with […]
Ten Problematic Aquatic Plants to Watch in 2022
Aquatic ecosystems are vital resources for all forms of life on earth. They are compose of freshwater and marine habitats and support a wide range of plant and animal species. As we seek to conserve our vital water resources, we are forced to confront the major threats to Earth’s aquatic systems. Four threats are widely […]
Limonene: An Environmentally Safe Compound for Pest Control
Pesticides are applied intentionally to the environment by people for the purpose of improving environmental quality for humans, domesticated animals, and plants. Despite the fears and real problems they create, pesticides are partly responsible for the physical well-being enjoyed by most people all over the world. In particular, pesticides are credited for making an important […]
Late Season Control of Perennial Weed Species
Each spring there is one perennial weed species that dominates the urban and rural landscape like no other. It has a beautiful yellow flower that looks good but is always growing where it is not wanted. The lawn or sometimes crop fields. Yes, I am talking about dandelion. Like clockwork, many home and property owners […]
Control of Woody Vegetation in Rights of Way
Rights of way (ROW) is a term used for land that is set aside for the transportation of humans, goods, and energy (roads, railways, and electricity). Though being difficult to accurately estimate, the total acreage of ROW in the United States encompasses over 4 million miles of roads, 140,000 miles of railways, and 160,000 miles […]
Why is Irrigation System Cleaning Necessary?
At the end of every growing season, farmers put away most of the tools of their trade, make repairs to some that need it, while others are simply cleaned and left in place until the next season. Tractors, harvesters, and similar equipment may be stored during the winter months or perhaps repaired prior to storage. […]
The ABCs of Tank Mixing Pesticides
A common practice in crop protection is tank mixing pesticides and other agrichemicals such as adjuvants, fertilizers, biostimulants, and plant growth regulators. Promoted as an efficient way to apply inputs to crops, tank mixing is a routine procedure for most farmers. Reasons for tank mixing pesticides with other agrochemicals Reduce crop damage and soil compaction […]
pH Adjustments – Optimizing the Performance of Weak Acid Herbicides
Whenever you drive around the Midwest in the middle of summer, you will likely see acres and acres of weed-free crop fields scattered all over. Perhaps, you will be thinking how wonderful herbicides are and that when they are applied … voilá … the result is perfectly clean fields. But sometimes you come across some […]