
Cleaning Irrigation Systems Properly

At the end of the growing season crops are harvested and some of the farming equipment is stored. Tractors, harvesting equipment, sprayers, and tillage equipment is hauled into sheds for winter. While in storage, these pieces of equipment get maintenance checks to fix one thing or another in preparation for the next growing season. However, […]

Best Weed Management Strategies for Turfgrass

Many areas with turfgrass, from home lawns to sports fields to golf courses, have one common aspect they share the occurrence of weeds. Whether it is dandelion on a home lawn or goosegrass on a golf course green, their mere presence is aesthetically displeasing leading to the adoption of control measures. Control of weeds is […]

UsingSurfactants to Improve Disease Control

There are over 50,000 destructive diseasesthat affect the growth of their respective plant species.  As agriculture struggles to support the rapidly growing global population, plant disease reduces the production and quality of food, fiber, and biofuel crops. To ensure the safety of our food, fiber, and biofuel supply plant diseases must be controlled. The most […]

Staying a Step Ahead of Invasive Weeds in Pasture

About 27% of the US (528 million acres) is designated as pasture, which is land that provides forage for grazing livestock.  The vegetation in pastures consists of grasses, legumes, forb, and shrubs which usually grow in mixtures. The importance of pasture Forage for beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and other domestic livestock. Many […]

Postemergence Weed Control on Golf Courses

One of the most challenging problems for a golf course manager is keeping weeds out. Regardless of the region or seasonin the US, a major priority for every golf course manager is to make sure that weeds do not take over a golf course.                       […]

Insect Control in Citrus

Every crop has insects that it evolves or coexists with, and citrus plants are no different. There are numerous insects of citrus that are harmless, some are beneficial while some are harmful. The harmful insects garner the most attention because if they are not managed they can devastate the citrus industry. Insects can infest flowers, […]

Managing Insect PestOutbreaks

There are over one million known species of insects and most of them cause no harm to humans and the environment. Many insects are classified as important to our existence and provide environmental benefits such as pollination of plants and aeration of soils.However, some insects are classified as pests. There are insects of public health […]

How does flooding impact weed management?

The frequency of heavy precipitation in the US has increased over the past few years and is projected to continue increasing for the unforeseeable future. In fact, ‘torrential rain’, ‘downpour’, and‘flash flood’ are common terms used in weather alerts that help the public prepare for potential flooding. For farmers, the threat of flooding is unwelcome […]

How Does DroughtAffect Vegetation Management?

A drought is atemporary reduction in water or moisture below the expected or normal amounts for some time. A drought can be short, lasting a few weeks to one or two months, or long, lasting for years.The occurrence of drought has become common today as we witness incidences of severe weather events related to global […]

Adjuvants 101: Agricultural Surfactants Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Agricultural surfactants are chemical products that are commonly used today to improve performance, yet 70 years ago they were hardly mentioned. A surfactant, orSURFace ACTing AgeNT, is a type of adjuvant that is designed to improve the dispersing/emulsifying, absorbing, spreading, wetting, sticking, and penetrating properties of a pesticide spray mixture. An adjuvant is an ingredient […]